Dies academicus 2024
The Dies academicus took place on Saturday, December 7, 2024.
The focus of the 190th Foundation Ceremony of the University of Bern was on the role of science and its societal importance. Seven honorary doctorates and seven academic prizes were presented. Kuno Lauener, singer and songwriter of Züri West, was awarded an honorary doctorate.
Adress of welcome by Prof. Dr. Virginia Richter, rector of the University of Bern (in German) (PDF, 100KB) Speech by Christine Häsler, Member of the Cantonal Council, Director of Education and Culture of the Canton of Bern (in German) (PDF, 54KB) Speech by Prof. Dr. Anna Leuschner, Professor of Philosophy at Bergische Universität Wuppertal (PDF, 103KB) Speech by Dr. Bettina Zimmermann, Co-president of the intermediate staff association of the University of Bern (in German) (PDF, 93KB) Dies academicus 2024: Brochure (PDF, 348KB)Honors

On the 190th Dies academicus of the University of Bern, seven personalities received honorary doctorates.

Ten people received an academic prize at Dies academicus 2024.