CAS in Medication Safety
Faculty of Medicine, Inselspital – University Hospital of Bern in close collaboration with the Institute of Primary Health Care (BIHAM) & Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), University of Bern

Medication errors are the cause of approximately half of all drug-related complications and many of them are avoidable, therefore being recognized as one of the most important areas of intervention by the Swiss health authorities.
Addressing the urgent necessity of interprofessional collaboration, the new CAS course in Medication Safety is designed to provide participants from different healthcare professions with the relevant knowledge about risks and opportunities of medication processes in both the hospital and primary care setting.
As medication safety leaders and advocates, successful participants will be able to proactively initiate, lead and monitor medication-related activities in their institution.

Degree | Certificate of Advanced Studies in Medication Safety University of Bern (CAS MS Unibe) |
Start | 10/2025 |
Length | October 2025 – July 2027 |
Scope | 10 ECTS |
Cycle | Every two years, eventually yearly |
Flexible entry possible | No |
Single module visitable | Yes |
Place | Bern and distance learning |
Language | English |
Admission | University degree at Master's level in pharmacy, medicine or nursing science or a University of Applied Sciences degree at Master's level in nursing as well as professional experience (admission "sur dossier" upon request) |
Registration until | 2025/07/31 |
Cost | CHF 8'950 for the entire program; CHF 600 per course day |
Organising institutions | Faculty of Medicine, Inselspital – University Hospital of Bern in close collaboration with the Institute of Primary Health Care (BIHAM) & Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), University of Bern |
Partner | Geneva University Hospitals; Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale Lugano; Careum Hochschule Gesundheit Zürich; Kantonsspital Luzern; Solothurner Spitäler AG; Universität Basel / Universitätsspital Basel; Spitalzentrum Biel; Fédération des hôpitaux vaudois |
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About the program
The purpose of the interprofessional CAS course in Medication Safety is to provide solid knowledge of medication safety-related topics for healthcare professionals, to train them on recognizing areas for optimization and to enable them to initiate, lead and monitor processes to improve medication safety in their institution.
The program has been developed with the support of nationally and internationally renowned experts in the field of medication safety and emphasizes the necessity of interprofessional collaboration within medication use processes.
Goals of the course
Having successfully completed the 2-year program, participants will
- have a comprehensive overview of data and facts related to medication safety both within Switzerland and abroad
- be knowledgeable about important sources within the literature and able to deploy them based on practice
- understand barriers and fostering factors for interprofessional collaboration in the field of medication safety
- be able to employ different methods to measure medication safety in their own enterprise and to accompany developments
- be able to define and actively shape their own leadership function in the area of medication safety
- have the necessary knowledge and tools to plan and implement a medication safety agenda for their setting
- be able to configure patient-based medication processes and include patients as well as relatives in a meaningful way
- be able to inform professionals through communication and training in the subject of medication safety tailored to the target group
- be equipped with basic knowledge about current technologies to support medication processes and improve medication safety
- have initial experience in project development and the associated lead
Didactic principals
In order to guarantuee optimal knowledge transfer and ensure an interactive learning culture the program is conducted through Blended Learning, thereby combining the advantages of face-to-face classroom education with opportunities of computer-mediated activities, such as the use of online educational material or virtual interaction and delivery. Participants of the program or individual modules have access to the cutting-edge learning platform of the University of Bern: personalized tools and technologies for convenient learning and development.
Alongside the transfer of theory and practice-based knowledge and skills, the learning events offer room for reflection and discussion. In their content and form, the events consider the needs, feedback and wishes of participants, whose professional knowledge and experience contribute to the teaching and learning processes.
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) and Continuing Education Credit (CEC)
The course of studies entails a total of 10 ECTS credits and is structured modularly (7 modules across 2 years).
Credits for continuing education have been granted for the program 2023-2025:
- FPH Hospital Pharmacy (50 credits/day for 2023-2025)
- FPH Clinical Pharmacy (50 credits/day for 2023-2025)
- FPH Community Pharmacy
- Schweizerisches Institut für ärztliche Weiter- und Fortbildung (SIWF) (25 credits for days 2023/2024 and 25 credits for days 2025)
The accreditation has been submitted for the second run of the program starting in 2025.
Classroom activites, eLearning and exams will be held in English.
Practice projects can be developed in German, English, French or Italian.
Modules & Dates
The CAS in Medication Safety is structured modularly. It is comprised of 7 modules (15 days across 2 years). The program currently running started in October 2023 and will finish in June 2025 (individual modules/course days can be attended). The next starting date for the entire program is October 2025.
Course schedule:
Program 2023-2025 | Program 2025-2027 | Location | |
Onboarding Event | Thursday 19 October 2023 | Thursday 16 October 2025 | Zoom Event |
Course day 1 |
Module 1 - Introduction to Medication Safety Friday 3 November 2023 |
Module 1.1 (Introduction to Medication Safety 1) Friday 7 November 2025 |
Bern |
Course day 2 |
Module 7 - Medication Safety Officer (MSO) and Leadership Friday 10 November 2023 |
Module 7 – Medication Safety Officer (MSO) and Leadership Friday 21 November 2025 |
Zoom Event |
Course day 3 |
Module 2 - Risk Management Tuesday 5 December 2023 |
Module 3 – Systems and processes, medication management Thursday 9 December 2025 |
Bern |
Course day 4 |
Module 2 - Risk Management Tuesday 16 January 2024 |
Q1 2026 | Bern |
Course day 5 |
Module 2 - Risk Management Thursday 18 April 2024 |
Q1/Q2 2026 | Bern |
Course day 6 |
Module 3 – Systems and processes, medication management Friday 10 May 2024 |
Q2 2026 | Bern |
Course day 7 |
Module 3 – Systems and processes, medication management Monday 24 June 2024 |
Q2/Q3 2026 | Bern |
Course day 8 |
Module 4 – Training and education Thursday 26 September 2024 |
Q3 2026 | Bern |
Course day 9 |
Module 5 – Interprofessional collaboration Tuesday 3 December 2024 |
Q3/Q4 2026 | Bern |
Course day 10 |
Module 5 – Interprofessional collaboration Monday 20 January 2025 |
Q4 2026 | Bern |
Course day 11 |
Module 6 – Technologies in medication processes Thursday 13 February 2025 |
Q1 2027 | Bern |
Course day 12 |
Module 7 – Medication Safety Officer (MSO) and Leadership Friday 14 March 2025 |
Q1 2027 | Bern |
Course day 13 |
Module 7 – Medication Safety Officer (MSO) and Leadership Thursday 10 April 2025 |
Q2 2027 | Bern |
Course day 14 |
Module 1 - Introduction to Medication Safety Friday 16 May 2025 |
Q2 2027 | Zoom Event |
Course day 15 |
Module 1 - Introduction to Medication Safety Thursday 12 June 2025 |
Q2 2027 |
Bern |
The program administrators can include other topics.
Rights reserved to make changes due to pandemic measures; in particular, individual modules or days may be conducted digitally or postponed to a later date.
Organising institution and faculty
The course of studies is offered by the University of Bern / Clinic for General Internal Medicine, Department Clinical Pharmacology and toxicology of the Inselspital Bern in close collaboration with the program board members from the Institute of Primary Health Care BIHAM, University of Bern, and the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine ISPM, University of Bern.
Program Board
Prof. Dr. Carla Meyer-Massetti , Chair of the Program Board, Inselspital - University Hospital of Bern
Prof. Dr. Alice Panchaud, Institute of Primary Health Care BIHAM, University of Bern
Prof. Dr. Sven Streit, Institute of Primary Health Care BIHAM, University of Bern
Prof. Dr. David Schwappach, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine ISPM, University of Bern
Director of Studies
Dr. Stefanie Janssen, Inselspital - University Hospital of Bern
The program is conducted by instructors of the University of Bern as well as Swiss and international experts from various professions including (among others) physicians, nursing experts and pharmacists. The detailed program (including expert speakers) is provided under "documents".
Prerequisites for admission to the Certificate program are
- a Master`s-level university degree in pharmacy, medicine or nursing science or a Master`s-level University of Applied Sciences degree in nursing
- a minimum of 2 years job experience in a clinical setting
Exceptions regarding admission requirements may be approved by the program board «sur dossier». In the case of persons without university degrees or clinical experience, further stipulations for admission may be imposed to ensure that each participant has the possibility of successfully completing the course.
Interested parties who only wish to participate in individual modules may be admitted, provided that there are openings in the course.
Permission to participate in the course is decided by the program administration upon application by the course management. There is no automatic entitlement to admission.
Application and tuition fees
Individual Modules and/or Course days (program 2023-2025)
The first cohort of the program started in October 2023 and is currently running. Attendance of individual modules or course days is always possible. You can apply anytime by completing and sending back the form under "documents" (application form for individual modules & course days, please send back to
Entire program 2025-2027
The application window for the second cohort of the CAS program is now open. Please find the application form (for entire program 2025-2027) under "documents, complete the form and send it back to along with a copy of your ID.
Application deadline
You can apply any time for individual modules or course days. An application deadline ends 5 working days before an individual course day/the start of a module. Please note the cancellation policy (cf. "Cancellation Policy" / cf. Registration form_CAS MS Unibe_Einzelmodule).
The enrolment for the entire program 2025-2027 is open now and will close on 31 August 2025.
Tuition fees
The fee for the entire course is CHF 8950 (CHF 600 per course day). In any case, the fee covers catering (presence days), access to the learning platform, performance test fee (if applicable) and certificates (ECTS).

Prof. Dr. Carla Meyer-Massetti
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri or

Dr. Stefanie Janssen
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri


»Der Bedarf an Expertinnen und Experten im Bereich der Medikationssicherheit ist gross und wird in Zukunft massiv an Bedeutung gewinnen.«
Ein Interview über Beweggründe zur Entstehung des neuen CAS und die beruflichen Perspektiven, die sich für Absolventen ergeben.

Meet our sponsoring partner GSASA (Swiss Association of Public Health Administration and Hospital Pharmacists)
The GSASA supports the CAS program in Medication Safety for the benefit of participants and enables a reduction of course fees. Read more

«Aus Schnittstellen Nahtstellen machen»
Lücken in der Versorgung von Patientinnen und Patienten schliessen und Studierende für den Beruf als Apothekerin und Apotheker begeistern: das treibt Carla Meyer-Massetti, Stiftungsprofessorin für Klinische Pharmazie, an. Ein Interview.

Medikationssicherheit: Entwicklung eines universitären Weiterbildungsprogramms
In ihrer Masterarbeit in Pharmazie entwickelte Simona Reber das Konzept für einen universitären Zertifikatslehrgang (CAS) in Arzneimittelsicherheit. Sie identifizierte Interventionen zur Verbesserung der Medikationssicherheit und definierte die Eckdaten, Lernziele und Teilnahmebedingungen einer solchen Weiterbildung. Zum PDF.