Organization Executive Board and Central Administration

Executive Board and Central Administration

Innovation Office

Your first point of contact for questions related to innovation and entrepreneurship

Strengthening Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Bern and the Inselspital, Bern University Hospital

The Innovation Office was founded in September 2021 to further promote a dynamic culture of innovation and entrepreneurial thinking at the University of Bern and the Inselspital, Bern University Hospital. The mandate of the Innovation Office is to support students, researchers and faculty members in translating ideas, research and inventions into innovations. Thereby, strengthening the University’s role in creating value through knowledge for society and economy.

More about Innovation at the University of Bern


We support and advise you on your way to becoming an entrepreneur and promote innovation at the University of Bern and the Inselspital, University Hospital Bern. Our consulting services include:

  • Potential analysis of research projects and ideas for innovation funding applications
  • Personal consulting and assistance with the submission of funding applications in the innovation sector (especially Innosuisse, BRIDGE and EU projects)
  • Support and advice in the establishment and founding of startups
  • Personalized workshops on topics such as business model, market analysis, pitching, etc.
  • Consulting and support of faculties, departments, institutes or clinics regarding innovation promotion and entrepreneurship


Information and Resources

We keep you informed about the most important things that are going on at the University of Bern and the Inselspital, University Hospital Bern, in terms of innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as relevant funding instruments and other support opportunities.

In our Innovation Guide, we also provide useful resources on various topics related to promoting innovation projects and starting your business.
Stay up to date:

  • Read the Innovation Office Newsletter: if you would like to receive a monthly overview of activities at the University of Bern, funding programs and other relevant info, you can subscribe to our INNO-Update here.
  • Network with us on LinkedIn.



The Innovation Office actively promotes the exchange and networking of innovation projects with the ecosystem at the University of Bern and Inselspital, as well as with relevant stakeholders from economy and society. 

For this purpose, the Innovation Office regularly organizes events with networking opportunities. An overview of the currently planned events can be found here.

To the Innovation Office
